Is yearly hvac maintenance worth it?

In many cases, an HVAC maintenance plan offers good value for money and a way to ensure that your home is safe, has adequate heating or cooling, and saves energy. Some homes may benefit more from a maintenance plan or HVAC service contract than others. This is a question that we are often asked. We recommend that you repair your system at least once a year, but twice a year is best. The ideal would be to do a set-up in spring before the air conditioner needs to work at full capacity and again in the fall before the heater starts working.

You may be aware of the HVAC maintenance plans offered by most HVAC companies if you already have an HVAC unit or need it repaired. These programs give you the benefits of an HVAC maintenance contract. Maintenance inspections are typically performed at least twice a year for an annual fee that can cost a few hundred dollars. Since no two HVAC problems are the same, it can be a little more difficult to budget for this type of HVAC service cost.

An HVAC maintenance contract can be costly, especially if you've just invested in the cost of a new HVAC replacement. Many HVAC companies offer regular HVAC maintenance plans with annual, biannual, or quarterly service visits.

Suzanne Ver
Suzanne Ver

Amateur internet fanatic. Incurable beeraholic. Subtly charming internet geek. Evil travel scholar. Wannabe twitter fan.

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